Tag: Denver (Page 2 of 38)

This week in weather: July 16, 2018

Following a very chilly Sunday, it will be business-as-usual for the week ahead with the sweltering heat returning to the Metro area. The same high pressure that has been plaguing us for weeks on-end will isolate Colorado from the pool of much-needed monsoon moisture, thus limiting rainfall chances for the foreseeable future. Read on for the disappointing details.

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It’s been hot, but where is the summer monsoon?

With the first full-week of July coming to a close, monsoon season is right around the corner for northeast Colorado. However, its arrival is not something you can mark on the calendar as there is no set date for its commencement. It fluctuates substantially from year to year, depending greatly on the weather patterns of Mexico, the southeast USA, and the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. We discuss the current state of the atmosphere and when we expect the monsoon to finally arrive.

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A recap of this week’s “double shot” of severe weather, more large hail possible on Friday

It’s been a busy weather-week to say the least….There is usually only one or two days per year where a significant severe weather outbreak impacts the immediate Metro area. It just so happens this year those two days of severe weather occurred back-to-back! We review the damaging hailstorms that transpired earlier in the week and also look ahead to Friday’s forecast which may have large hail returning to the Boulder/Denver area.

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FORECAST CONTEST: Predict How Hot This Summer Will Be!

*Contest closes May 30, 2018 at 11:59 PM* 

All of our previous contests have involved predicting some aspect of snowfall in Boulder. This changes today! Your goal this time around will be forecasting how intense the summer heat will be during the upcoming months of June, July and August. To help you along with your prediction, we provide a brief overview of the climatology and cover what the models are predicting for this summer. Prizes include a $50 Amazon gift card and Premium subscriptions. Get your forecast in now!

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