August 2024 Graphical Weather Review: A surprising late-season surge in the monsoon brought slight drought improvement to the Front Range

August brought welcomed change to the Front Range with the elusive American Southwest Monsoon finally making a late appearance. While much of the area ended with below normal rainfall in August, it was notably wetter than months prior leading to a slight improvement in the regional drought. It was also hot in August, with overall temperatures and the number of 90-degree days landing above normal. Here’s a quick and colorful graphical recap of our weather during August and how it relates to climatology.

August 2024 Temperatures:

August 2024 Precipitation:

How does August 2024 fit into the last 74 years?

How does August 2024 fit into the last 12 months?

2024 Monsoon Rainfall (Final Version)

Latest Drought Tracker (as of August 27th)

Our top posts of August 2024

Heatwave & Wildfire Update: Exceptionally hot, dry and smoky conditions will remain across the Front Range at least through Monday with slow fire growth
This Week in Colorado Weather: August 12, 2024
Labor Day Weekend Forecast: Warm & dry weather for Denver, just a few storms in the Mountains
July 2024 Graphical Weather Review: After months of extremely dry weather, it was inevitable that wildfires would ignite across the Front Range
This Weekend in Colorado Weather: The nineties are a thing of the past with showery & cool weather the next few days!

August 2024 retold via our Twitter X timeline

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  1. Alan Smithee

    Nice and informative plots. Presenting the entire context is critical, and you do that very well.

    • Ben Castellani

      Thanks. If you have any other ideas for plots, let us know. We try to provide as much data and historical context for the month here as possible.

      • Alan Smithee

        The plots with the climatologies are great, as are the year-to-date timeseries. The scatter plots could emphasize the current month a bit more, but I really like that presentation. Great work!

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