After three months with barely any rainfall, our parched vegetation unfortunately ignited at the end of July with several large wildfires taking off in the Front Range burning more than 12,000 acres combined. Unsurprisingly, drought further expanded in July and numerous jurisdictions enacting fire bans. Overall temperatures during the month were close to normal following several periods of ups and downs. Here’s a quick and colorful graphical recap of our weather during July and how it relates to climatology.

July 2024 Recap Graphics:

How does July 2024 fit into the last 74 years?

How does July 2024 fit into the last 12 months?

Seasonal Monsoon Graphs (updated August 6th)

Latest Drought Tracker (as of August 6th)

Our top posts of July 2024

2024 Colorado Summer Monsoon Outlook: Drought is back in the Front Range and this year's monsoon won't offer any help
This Week in Colorado Weather: July 22, 2024
Heatwave & Wildfire Update: Exceptionally hot, dry and smoky conditions will remain across the Front Range at least through Monday with slow fire growth
Heatwave Update: The Front Range will sizzle this weekend, possibly reaching 100°+ three or four days in a row!
This Weekend in Colorado Weather: Canadian smoke finally vacates the area on Friday! Unfortunately prolonged extreme heat will be its replacement...

July 2024 retold via our Twitter X timeline

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