Category: Powdercast (Page 8 of 22)

Forecasts focused on the many ski resorts of NE Colorado.

This week in Colorado weather: December 30, 2019

After a cold start to our week to end the month of December, the weather turns milder as we ring in the New Year. Don’t get too cozy…a return to winter-like temperatures will ensue during the latter part of the week. We also discuss the little bit of snow over the weekend which produced just enough to bump 2019 into Boulder’s top 5 snowiest calendar years.

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A slow-moving, convoluted storm will bring a lengthy period of unsettled weather to Colorado

One thing is for sure, a prolonged period of cold and unsettled weather will take hold of the Front Range Wednesday morning into Friday. A mash-up of rain, snow, and freezing drizzle will intermittently impact the area during this timeframe. Overall precipitation rates will be light, but the long duration could lead to light snow accumulations by Friday morning. In this update, we talk tumbling temperatures, rain/snow/ice timing, and potential snow accumulations.

*PREMIUM* STORM UPDATE (7:00 AM Thu 11/21): Don’t be fooled by the lull in the action… There is still more light snow to come! READ HERE

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