Category: Long-Range (Page 4 of 14)

Get Ready: After a one day break, the heatwave rebuilds even stronger heading into next week

If you can believe it, Friday’s high temperatures was only in the 70’s across the lower elevations. What a gorgeous day! However, the brief cooldown will quickly be replaced by yet another heatwave in Front Range Colorado. This one will be stronger and longer than the last. Let’s discuss just how hot it will get, our concerns about new wildfires, and when the heatwave may finally relax.

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Summer 2021 Outlook: La Niña is dead, but that may not necessarily bode well for Colorado’s drought or the fire season ahead

There’s no doubt about it. The La Niña pattern that developed late last summer is now dead. There’s no need to mourn this loss as this is actually good for Colorado and bodes well for a more active monsoon season this summer…or does it? Let’s take a look at the current state of ENSO and the weather outlook for the coming months.

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This week in Colorado weather: February 15, 2021

After a bitter cold stretch under the fringes of the Polar Vortex, a “relative” warming trend develops this week but we still remain largely below average. By mid-week a cold front will bring the return of light snow to the area. Week’s end may turn breezy and finally near normal with potential Chinook winds developing. Let’s dig into the details.

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La Niña Continues: No relief in sight for the ongoing extreme drought in Colorado

This week’s snow event, while certainly welcomed, is not nearly enough not help the ongoing extreme drought across the entire state of Colorado. With a dry stretch shaping up through the weekend ahead, Boulder will most likely polish off January with its 7th consecutive month of below normal precipitation. We recap the recent “snowstorm”, discuss the current state of the drought, update you on the evolving La Niña, and provide our prediction for what lies ahead the rest of winter.

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In the face of La Niña, the rest of 2020 is shaping up to be warm and dry in Colorado

For the first time in three years, La Niña conditions have developed and are expected to last through the upcoming winter. We discuss the forecast, remind you what La Niña actually is, and explain the potential impacts La Niña will have on Colorado for the rest of autumn. If you like pie charts, box-and-whisker graphs and/or 3-D representations of ocean temperatures, this post is most definitely for you!

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When will our second snow occur? Enter your prediction for a chance to win! ❄️☃️

6th Annual BoulderCAST Snowfall Contest
*Contest is now closed to entries*

Well, Mother Nature threw us a giant curve-ball this year with our earliest accumulating snowfall on record in Boulder and 2nd earliest in Denver back on September 8th.  Thus, this year’s snowfall contest will revolve around predicting Boulder’s second snowfall event of the season, since the elusive first one was already spoiled for us! We provide a brief overview of Boulder’s early season snowfall climatology, discuss the snowfall outlook for the next week or two, and then pose a question…“When will Boulder’s SECOND measurable snow occur this year?” Submit your guess for a chance to win an assortment of prizes. Those who get closest to the date of our second snow win!

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