Shown below is our snowfall forecast map issued Monday afternoon with actual storm totals overlaid. Green values indicate that our forecast verified to within one inch of the observed snowfall total. Red numbers did not. A massive winter storm/blizzard which was passing to the north hit the Front Range harder than expected for this event, with booming snow totals observed across a large portion of the region. A persistent band of moderate to heavy snow sat across Boulder and Larimer Counties on Tuesday leading to snow totals of 6 to 12″ in the Foothills, with 3 to 6″ on the nearby Plains including Boulder — much higher than expected. Otherwise, we had fairly good verification across most of the immediate Denver area which received generally 1 to 3″. Officially 6.0″ of snow fell in Boulder, but just 0.2″ at DIA.

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This post had major contributions from at least two members of our team. The more meteorologists the better, right?

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