Category: Long-Range (Page 7 of 14)

*FIRST SNOW CONTEST* Pattern shift next week to bring cooler temperatures and maybe even snow


Are you eager for the first snow of the season? Have you already waxed your skis and purchased your Epic Pass? Our first big snow could be right around the corner! We provide a brief overview of Boulder’s first snowfall climatology, discuss the snowfall forecast for the next ten days, and then pose a question…“When will Boulder’s first measurable snow occur this year?” Submit your guess for not only a chance to win recognition among local weather enthusiasts, but prizes too. Those who get closest to the date of our first snow win. Read on for all the details.

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This is why Colorado’s historically warm summer has cooled off

Not long ago, 2018 was in the running with 2012 for the hottest summer on record for many Front Range cities. However, a subtle but crucial pattern shift has kept our temperatures on the cool side for the last three weeks, knocking this summer back to a status closer to normal. We discuss this shift and provide an update on our summer forecasting contest which wraps up at the end of the month.

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A quick look at the weather in August

As we have now entered the month of August, we have started on the downhill portion of summer. Temperatures have already started their seasonal trend downward alongside decreasing solar heating this month. We review the climatology of August and highlight a few aspects of the weather to watch this month.

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This week in weather: July 16, 2018

Following a very chilly Sunday, it will be business-as-usual for the week ahead with the sweltering heat returning to the Metro area. The same high pressure that has been plaguing us for weeks on-end will isolate Colorado from the pool of much-needed monsoon moisture, thus limiting rainfall chances for the foreseeable future. Read on for the disappointing details.

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