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August 2024 Graphical Weather Review: A surprising late-season surge in the monsoon brought slight drought improvement to the Front Range

August brought welcomed change to the Front Range with the elusive American Southwest Monsoon finally making a late appearance. While much of the area ended with below normal rainfall in August, it was notably wetter than months prior leading to a slight improvement in the regional drought. It was also hot in August, with overall temperatures and the number of 90-degree days landing above normal. Here’s a quick and colorful graphical recap of our weather during August and how it relates to climatology.

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This Week in Colorado Weather: September 3, 2024

September is finally upon us — what a great time of the year this is in Colorado! Mother Nature will deliver rather varied weather this week in the Front Range. Hot temperatures and high pressure will give way to a Pacific trough by midweek. Clouds will be on the increase alongside the risk of severe thunderstorms for Wednesday, with even a touch of snow in our highest elevations. Things will clear out nicely for the upcoming weekend leading to gorgeous and seasonal late-summer conditions. Read on for all the details.

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*Premium* BoulderCAST Daily – Mon 09/02/24 | A hot Labor Day near 90° with isolated storms possible producing gusty winds but little to no rainfall

NOTICE: Due to the Labor Day holiday, our usual weekly outlook discussion will be published a day later on Tuesday this week. Please check back tomorrow for the latest on Front Range weather. Early week weather highlights are as follows:

⦁❶⦁ High pressure is centered directly over Colorado Monday but it will slowly weaken as we head into midweek

⦁❷⦁ Expect sunny skies this morning, but increasing clouds during the afternoon and evening — an isolated thunderstorm is possible with little to no rain and gusty winds

⦁❸⦁ More or less the same exact weather for tomorrow but perhaps a degree or two warmer

⦁❹⦁ The week ahead will be largely dry, except for late Wednesday when a weak storm system will clip northern Colorado

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